How CBD Oil Is Extracted

Updated September 6th, 2020

Cannabidiol (CBD) is present in both hemp and cannabis plants. However, it is primarily obtained from hemp for reasons of legality. In this article, we discuss a variety of CBD extraction methods. 

Where Does CBD Oil Come From?

CBD (cannabidiol) oil is typically derived from industrial hemp. Any active CBD available is purified and concentrated using precise production techniques. As the oil is in liquid form, it can be consumed orally without smoking and easily administered. 

How CBD Oil Is Extracted

Industrial production of CBD oil is done by combining cannabinoid-rich plant matter with extraction compounds, such as CO², butane, ethanol, or olive oil. However, the cost of the final product is entirely dependent upon its potency and purity.

Carrier Oil Extraction Method

CBD oil extracted by this method will contain a healthy dose of Omega-rich acids and minimalistic chemical residues in the pure oil. Usually, hemp seed oil or olive oil is used as a carrier in these methods, as this is the most effective way to extract resin from the plants and flowers. 

CO² Extraction And Decarboxylation Methods

Commonly referred to as sub-critical or supercritical CO², this method utilizes carbon dioxide under different pressures to extract oil from plant matter. This is among the most expensive extraction techniques due to the use of hi-tech equipment that must be operated by trained personnel only. 

The advantage of this technique is that the end product is the purest form of CBD oil attainable, which is highly potent and chlorophyll-free. However, if the heat used during extraction is too high, it could potentially damage terpene content.

Extraction with Solvents

Solvent extraction is a relatively inexpensive method preferred by small scale producers of CBD and THC oils. This technique utilizes solvents, such as butane, ethanol, and grain alcohol, to extract oil from plant matter. 

Solvent extraction has several disadvantages, the worst of which is the potential of an explosion. At the same time, the potential leftover solvent residue is an ever-present problem. Scientists and doctors advise against this method, as it can make the end product unsafe for consumption. 

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Joshua Willard (Freelance CBD Content Writer/Editor)

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