Welcome to Delta 10 THC 101

Have you heard of delta 10 THC?  If the answer is no, we don’t blame you, even if you consider yourself to be a serious hemp enthusiast.  Delta 10 is, simply put, brand new, and it has only been on the market for about a week. Given what we know about this new and exciting cannabinoid, there is no doubt, it’ll enjoy the same mainstream popularity as delta 8 THC. And, of course, good old cannabidiol (CBD).

Delta 10 is already making a splash by offering distinctive properties from other cannabinoids and having many uses.

Where Does Delta 10 THC Come from?

Delta 10 is extremely unique in many ways, and the first way has to do with its origins.  Delta-10 doesn’t exactly develop naturally in the plant, like CBD, delta 8, and cannabinol (CBN).  It was discovered by accident, with a history that’s just as intriguing as its distinctive effects.  This is why even those who consider themselves to be cannabis experts had never heard of the compound until just very recently.

As the story goes, a team of cannabis cultivators purchased an existing cannabis farm in the state of California, where crops were already being cultivated.  But, due to the raging wildfires that took over in 2020, the previous owner of the farm had treated his crops with a fire retardant as an act of desperation.

When the time came for the new landowners to check out what they inherited, they had the crops tested by a certified laboratory.  Up close, they noted unique crystals forming on the buds, and this changed the chemical composition of the plant.  There was a new cannabinoid in the plant material as a result, and it had the lab analysts completely stumped.  After careful, meticulous analysis, it was determined that what they had discovered was delta 10 THC, which formed as a result of the exposure to the fire-retardant chemical.  This had changed the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on a molecular level. What does that mean? Well, this caused it to convert into a completely new cannabinoid with its own unique molecular composition. 

How Do Companies Make Delta 10 THC?

Delta 10 THC on the market does not contain a fire retardant, as this would be harmful.  So, if delta 10 is not a natural result of the hemp plant’s chemical composition, how are companies making delta-10 extract? 

Delta 10 THC is an isomer of cannabidiol, as is delta 8 THC.  When the lab first analyzed the delta 10 sample, they noted its molecular composition. This is simply a reorganization of the molecular composition of cannabidiol.  Then, this created a blueprint for other companies to follow, simply rearranging the molecules of CBD to convert it into delta-10 without any chemicals needed of any kind.

Therefore, the delta 10 that you can buy today is made with an extract that is technically derived from CBD.  While delta 8 is also an isomer of CBD, its main source of extraction today is steam distillation.  This cannot be done with delta-10 since there is no naturally occurring amount to extract.  Fortunately, this method has been used for quite a while. In fact, it’s known to yield high-quality cannabinoid extracts with satisfactory levels of purity and stability.

What Does Delta 10 THC Feel Like?

Many of us enjoy reading about the studies coming out on CBD, as researchers have been analyzing it for well over a decade to determine its distinctive properties that can be useful to us.  Delta 10 though, has no studies behind it to speak of. Why? Because it’s so new that researchers just haven’t had time to perform studies on its effects and characteristics.  Therefore, we can only go by what we know about cannabinoids similar to delta 10.

Delta 10 THC is a cannabinoid, which means that it generally behaves like other cannabinoids in the hemp plant when introduced into the body.  Like other cannabinoids, delta 10 has the role of binding to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body, with this unique interaction allowing systems to regulate themselves for more efficient functionality. 

What Does Delta 10 THC Feel Like

We know that delta 8 almost exclusively binds to CB1 receptors. These are located in the body’s nervous system. Given delta10’s similarity to delta-8, we can say that it probably has the same affinity for these receptors.

In fact, an array of cannabinoids share the same characteristics with one another in terms of how they can make us feel.  For instance, a lot of cannabinoids have notable bliss-inducing properties due to their interactions with the nervous system, along with soothing properties in the body.  Delta 10, therefore, has a good chance of promoting a similar type of experience.

Delta 10 is also a psychoactive compound, which you may have guessed, as it’s a form of THC.  However, delta 10, like delta 8, is mild in its intoxicating properties compared to delta 9 THC.  Therefore, its high is significantly subtler, and likely does not interfere with mental clarity like delta 9.

Is Delta 10 THC Very Different from Delta 8 THC?

Delta 10 and delta 8 are inevitably going to be compared to each other. Both are new cannabinoids to the market and act as mildly intoxicating derivatives of delta 9 THC. 

So, what’s the difference?

Many people say that delta 8 feels like an indica, and delta 10 feels like a sativa.  In other words, delta 10 may be more lifting and boosting than delta 8, which is great for those who enjoy delta8’s high but find themselves feeling a bit more mellow than they want to feel at certain times of day.  Delta-10 is likely an exceptionally good daytime option.

Being a hemp-derived cannabinoid with less than 0.3% delta 9 THC, delta 10 THC is legal under federal law, as a result of the 2018 Farm Bill.  Delta 10 is essentially under the same classification as delta 8, another legal form of THC that is booming on the national market.

Delta 10 is likely illegal, however, in states that have banned delta 8 THC, which are the following:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah

Because delta 10 THC is only making its way onto the market, individual delta-10 laws may emerge in different states. Still, we won’t know for certain until that happens.  Therefore, as you continue exploring delta 10, it’s important to stay up to date with local and federal laws pertaining to the cannabinoid to make sure that you can continue to use it legally.

Does Delta 10 THC Interfere with a Drug Test?

Delta 10 likely does interfere with a drug test. Despite the fact, however, that it’s legal in most places throughout the country, and federally legal.  Standard urine tests administered by employers are not testing for actual THC, but for THC-COOH. This is an enzyme released into the body when we consume THC.  Because delta-10 is so similar to delta-9, the body almost certainly produces THC-COOH to metabolize the compound. Also, that compound will show up in your urine and cause you to fail a test if that’s the scenario. 

Of course, as is the case with marijuana, delta10’s capability to interfere with a drug test is largely dose-dependent. Not only that, but also depends on how recently you’ve used the cannabinoid.  Still, in this case, best to be safe than sorry, so you should abstain from delta 10 if a drug test is coming up.

Can I Give Delta 10 THC to My Pets?


We do need to make it crystal clear that delta 10 should NEVER be given to pets, because pets’ nervous systems cannot handle the intoxicating effects of THC compounds.  Stick with CBD as per recommendations from your veterinarian.

Where Can I Find High-Quality Delta 10 THC?

Delta 10 is so new that we would not be surprised if some untrustworthy companies are releasing low-quality, or even fake delta-10 to appease the intense, sudden demand of the compound, taking advantage of those who have nothing to compare the effects of a particular delta10 product to.

As always, only buy delta 10 from an already-trusted brand on the hemp market, and always look for lab reports, which will read the same as the ones that come with CBD products. 

What Does Pure CBD Now Have to Offer Delta 10 Enthusiasts?

Pure CBD Now is excited to partner up with brands that manufacture delta 10 THC.  Not only that, but are made with the same attention to detail as the CBD and delta 8 products that we have been carrying for a long time.  There are brands renowned for their quality standards, transparency, and use of third-party testing.

Customers will find delta 10 in familiar forms like edibles and vapes, making it easier for you to incorporate these formulas into your routine.  As more companies/manufacturers  begin crafting their own delta-10, our inventory will continue to grow. That means providing everyone with a way to take this cannabinoid.

Here are some products that Delta 10 users can check out. You may purchase online thru Pure CBD Now website:

Delta 10 THC is Certainly Going to Become the Next Big Thing in Our Industry

Delta 10 is only just starting to launch onto the ever-growing and evolving hemp scene. Already though, it’s enjoying a great reputation for its distinctive qualities that are unlike anything else to come out of the hemp plant.  We can say with certainty that in the coming months, delta 10 will become more and more widely available in various forms and will prove to be a huge hit with those who love the hemp plant for its diverse compound profile.

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